베텔기우스 피아노 악보 (계이름 악보) | Betelgeuse, 베테르기우스
This is the Betelgeuse Piano Sheet Music (with solfege note names). 🎹
- Includes note names, finger numbers, and pedal markings 😊
- It's a shortened version, and you can check out the full music in the video!
Try playing along while looking at the sheet music! 🎶
The more you play, the more addictive it becomes—
you'll want to keep playing this captivating song! ✨
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베텔기우스 악보입니다 (계이름 악보)
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베텔기우스 악보입니다 (계이름 악보)
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번호, 페달도 모두 적혀있으며
붙임줄은 투명음표로 되어 있어 >> 악보보기 쉽습니다!
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